Worship at Holy Cross Church
The worship of God in Jesus Christ is central to all we do as a Christian community.
Sunday Worship at Holy Cross: 9am Eucharist (First & third Sunday in the month during the vacancy period) | 10.30am Sung Eucharist
Weekday Worship at Holy Cross: Wednesday 10.30am Eucharist | Thursday 5pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Monthly Worship at Holy Cross: First Friday 2pm Eucharist with Anointing and Prayers for Healing
There are many opportunities for worship at Holy Cross. As well as weekly services, there are special services during the seasons of the Christian year and services to mark the stages of life: birth, marriage and death. All our worship is centred on the Eucharist, the service Jesus commanded us to do. But the Eucharist is not our only act of worship. Find out about the richness of our liturgy below.

Find out what to expect at a service at Holy Cross. Learn more about the Eucharist, the heart of our worship.

Christian Year
By following the seasons of the Christian year, we enter more deeply into the Mystery of Christ.

God is love and we celebrate human love in all its forms. Holy Cross is a beautiful place for weddings.

We are here to help you when a loved one dies. Find out about funerals at Holy Cross or a crematorium.

‘Sing to the Lord a new song.’ Music is an important part of our life at Holy Cross, both in worship and in hosting concerts.

Children’s Worship
Children are welcome at all our services and there is special worship for young children.

Jesus told us to heal the sick. Anointing, Confession and prayers for healing are part of our worship at Holy Cross.