Our Faith
Everything we do at Holy Cross is rooted in our Christian faith.
As a Christian community, Holy Cross is fully committed to the Catholic faith revealed by Jesus Christ and received by the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Anglican tradition. Holy Cross is also an open and inclusive Christian community with space for those who doubt, question or carry wounds from previous experiences of abuse and intolerance from Christians and Churches. We hope to be a place of healing and freedom where people can explore Christianity and learn how to pray. In the pages below you can find out more about our faith.

Do you want to know more about our faith and to explore the Mystery of Christ? This page aims to help you.

Faith in Jesus leads to Baptism; Baptism is the start of the Christian journey. Learn more about Baptism here.

The Scottish Episcopal Church
Our faith is handed on in a community, the Church. Holy Cross is part of the Scottish Episcopal Church, find out about it here.