Joining and Giving
You are invited to join and support our community.
Joining Holy Cross
There is no complicated procedure to join Holy Cross. You simply start worshipping with us and, if you are not already, get baptised. Jesus set up Baptism as the way to join his Church and that is good enough for us. To find out more, see the Baptism page.
There are different ways of belonging to Holy Cross. Most of us regularly attend services and receive Holy Communion. By this we are fed spiritually and helped to grow in our Christian lives. Some are not able to get to Holy Cross and the Rector and members of the congregation visit them at home and bring them Holy Communion. For others, Holy Cross is their church but for various reasons they are rarely able to come, though they still want to support us. Everyone is welcome and you may wish to discuss with the Rector how you wish to belong to Holy Cross.
To join our members and friends on the mailing list and keep in contact with Holy Cross please fill out this form and send it to the Rector:
Those who belong to Holy Cross support the Church and its mission in different ways. While the information below relates to financial giving, other pages on the website explain the different ways you can get involved and contribute to Holy Cross.
Giving to Holy Cross
Members of Holy Cross give money generously to support our ministry; as Jesus said, ‘Freely you have received; freely give’ (Matthew 10:8). We get no outside funding apart from the grants we occasionally get to maintain our buildings, so we depend for our existence on the giving of our members. Holy Cross is administered prudently in accordance with rules of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) and all accounts are audited.
What are the deeper, spiritual reasons for giving? It is part of the good use of resources that is asked of a Christian and a natural response to the generosity of God, as we say in our Liturgy, ‘all things come from you, and of your own have we given you’ (1 Chronicles 29:14). We give for the mutual growth, wellbeing and collective purpose of our church. We also give so that others may experience God’s love and, when we give, God promises to honour our generosity: ‘each of you should give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Corinthians 9:7). Finally, giving is not a legalistic obligation but it does reflect our spiritual maturity; it is an essential part of following Jesus (who gave it all for us). As we release money to God, he promises to honour our obedience: ‘give, and it will be given to you… for with the measure you use, it will be measured to you’ (Luke 6:38).
You can give using the bank details below, or set up a standing order through your online banking or via your local branch. Regular giving is really helpful for us as it allows us to plan and budget for the future. One-off giving is great if you’re just visiting Holy Cross or want to make an anonymous donation.
Account Name: Church of the Holy Cross. Account Number: 00170278. Sort Code: 83-18-47
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Church of the Holy Cross, Davidson’s Mains’.
Gift Aid
If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) please fill in, sign and return the Gift Aid form below. This will mean that Holy Cross can recover 25p for each pound you give. (If you pay higher rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return.)
At Holy Cross we welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small. You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry. We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way is most appropriate and, if preferred, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous.
For a confidential conversation about giving or legacies, please contact the Treasurer: [email protected]