Our People
Meet the team! These are some of the people you might see around Holy Cross, but many others contribute to our community in different ways.
Rector 2020-2024: Revd Dr Stephen Holmes

Stephen came to Holy Cross in February 2020, just before the first lockdown of the Covid-19 pandemic. He was previously Rector of Padstow in Cornwall and Associate Rector of St John’s, Princes Street, Edinburgh. He is married to Izzy and they have one daughter. In September 2024 Stephen moved to Perth to become Provost of St Ninian’s Cathedral.
In addition to being Rector of Holy Cross, Father Stephen was Priest-in-Charge of St Salvador’s, Stenhouse and led a clergy team serving both churches and their pastoral areas, which cover much of western Edinburgh from Saughton through Corstorphine to Silverknowes.
For 18 years Father Stephen was a Benedictine monk and he maintains a strong interest in Christian spirituality and worship. Educated at the Universities of St Andrews, Cambridge and Edinburgh, he teaches trainee priests at the Scottish Episcopal Institute and is passionate about making the riches of the Christian tradition accessible to all. He is also a historian and has published a number of books and articles, mainly on Christian worship and Scottish church history.
Curate: Revd Dr Ross Jesmont

Ross was ordained deacon in 2022 and priest in 2023 to serve at Holy Cross and St Salvador’s, Stenhouse. He trained for ministry at the Scottish Episcopal Institute while spending three years on placement at St Salvador’s.
Growing up in Lancaster, Ross moved to Edinburgh to study theology at New College. He has also studied at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he worked for the Episcopal Diocese of New York, and at the University of Durham. Ross helps run the St Salvador’s Food Initiative and most of his ministry will be in Stenhouse. Ross is married to Hayley and they have a son and a dog.
Ross can be contacted at: curate.sshc@gmail.com
Organist: David Townhill
Educated at Fettes and St John’s College Cambridge, David is a classically trained concert pianist and violin and viola player. He has a wide range of musical experience including solo performance, accompanying and repetiteur work as a pianist, keyboard player for various bands and musical theatre, and is a chamber and orchestral violist. He is also a keen composer and is currently working on a musical. He works as a music teacher and freelance musician in Edinburgh and is very happy to be part of the musical life of Holy Cross.
Organist emeritus: Vaughan Townhill
Formed in the tradition of Anglican cathedral music at Edinburgh and Peterborough, Vaughan is a graduate of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama and was Director of Music at Cargilfield School in Edinburgh. He is principal clarinet of the Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra, a member of Doune Wind Quintet and soloist with other orchestral ensembles. Vaughan is also founder committee member of Scottish Schools Orchestra Trust, an organisation promoting orchestral playing for young people. Vaughan remains an important part of our music team.
Assistant Organist: Alexey Popov
Church Office Bearers
Vestry is a committee which supports the Rector in the leadership of the church and has care of the property and finances of the congregation. Vestry is chaired by the Rector and its members are the trustees of the church as a charity. In addition to the Church Wardens, Secretary, Treasurer and Lay Representative (who represents Holy Cross on Diocesan Synod), there are also Ordinary Members who are elected at the Annual Meeting. The safeguarding coordinators and website contact report to Vestry but are not necessarily members.
Rector’s Warden: Alan Kirkpatrick
People’s Warden: Sally Mair
Vestry Secretary: Beverley Naidoo
Treasurer: Colin Mair
Lay Representative: Alan Kirkpatrick
Safeguarding Coordinators: Alan Kirkpatrick
Contact for Website: Angela Gardner, web@holycrossedinburgh.org
There are many opportunities to serve, in addition to supporting our charity works and the St Salvador’s Foodbank.
Holy Cross can only operate and flourish with the help of many volunteers. Activities and roles include:
Sacristans, who prepare the church for services
Servers, welcomers and readers for church services
Flower arranging and church decoration
Preparing and serving refreshments
Church cleaning and polishing
Are you interested in volunteering for any of these or other activities in the life of our church?
Please speak to the Rector or get in touch at web@holycrossedinburgh.org